How Bad Do You Want It?

by John Cortese | Oct 13, 2011 | AnnouncementsBaseball TrainingBasketball TrainingFeatured PostsFootball TrainingRecent PostsSpeed TrainingStrength Training | 0 comments

I’m going be very honest here. Most athletes will say and TALK about how bad they want to be the best. They tell their friends, they tell their mom and dad, they tell their teammates, and they tell their coaches. That’s all well and good, and I applaud the fact that they are ambitious. In my opinion, I think they’re full of it! The old adage “Actions speak louder than words” could not be further from the truth!

The fact is, most athletes SAY they want to do great things, but it’s becoming more rare for any of them to actually ACT on it! Seriously. I get contacted from parents, athletes, and coaches like this about training on a regular basis, and many of them never follow through and end up being just another “tire-kicker”. To me, it’s sad because that shows they never wanted it bad enough!

The ones who follow through and understand that it takes a serious commitment and dedicated effort to become better are the ones who will succeed when it’s all said and done! In my opinion, the major difference in the MOST successful athletes and the ones who never acheived “greatness” is the willingness to put in a  large amount of time, energy, and focus to reach their goals! In other words, when you are ready to sacrifice things and break out of your comfort zone, you will do things most people will NEVER do because they never took that action step!

I hear this all of the time…

“I want to be the BEST!”

“I want to get a football scholarship and play Division 1!”

“I want to get stronger and faster!”

MOST OF THAT IS A BUNCH OF GARBAGE. I don’t want to hear it, I wan’t to SEE it put into action!! I will respect an athlete that much more when they ACT. Too many talkers nowadays and not enough doers. Watch the video below, and if this doesn’t inspire you to get off your butt and do something about your goals, then I don’t know what will.

If you’re SERIOUS about becoming the best, then I invite you to come train with us at CTS. Athletes 10 years of age and up can see tremendous benefits from a properly designed, age appropriate, long-term athletic development system. I’ll warn you though, our programs are not for EVERYONE and not everyone is just “let in” to train. You have to show me why you feel you’re a good fit! That includes parents too 🙂 I’ll see ya soon!

– John Cortese, CSCS

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